wow, thank you very much! thats a really good report!
thankfully many of the things in it are just balancing.
in general you can say, that balancing 'bugs' dont cost much coding time (however much more testing time).
on the other hand, there are one or two really weird bugs (gordon and the center visual effect) that i will most likely not be able to fix so easily. with the gordon bug, that has a simple reason: it is unknown, how to directly reproduce it. if that would be known as in 'start up the game, join team A, disconnect and join team B' or something like this, then the bug would be as well as dead. so, we will need some patience and more testing ;-). with the balancing we will need it anyway, so please dont be discouraged, if the bug is still existing in the next patch.
i will write some clearifications and answers into your post as usual.