DONE: with three or more ppl on platform, the ones on spectator team cant join any team except for the first two players.
MAP: join a test server a a regular marine or destroy, only got offered the flamer weapon set
DONE: flamer particle is back to front, should be smaller near the gun gitting bigger as it goes away, it appears as a small particle trailing larger ones
CANT: missing notification message at the cap point on destroy
++ i dont have the current map source and so i cant look up which entity it is. ++
DONE: crashed when I selected havoc leader class
CANT: Capping the object on platform crashed the server as a lonely bt terminator
++ cant reproduce it. ++
CANT: client crash when pressing a button on destroy
++ cant reproduce it. ++
MODEL: the heavy bolter is also lookign odd, the projectile travels at an angle to the way the gun sits