Author Topic: Robots and hammers  (Read 33459 times)

Robots and hammers
« on: June 05, 2010, 10:45:11 AM »


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I'd like can take a little look at the decline of this project at this random point in time, because it is a warm summer day in Sweden :-). I won't waste my (and your, if there still should be somebody out there reading this) time with a lot of words, but this much:

This project has been running low both on the fan and the dev side for years now. Basically it is me doing some stuff and some occasional contributions from different former team members. So in case you didn't realize that before, there are no large hops to be expected. On the other hand, we do have a new weapon (as mentioned before) and it is even decided that it'll be a Terminator weapon. That will require us to give the terminator sergeant a sprint ability (otherwise, he will never be able to charge someone with his big hammer and just be a sitting duck somewhere). On the other hand, we can give free access to the Assaultcannon (and will probably remove the powerfist from that combination for balance reasons).

This decision has against my hopes never been discussed openly, since the only comment on the news post was a reference to old times music :-). Very fitting... .

The second information concerning our decline is: Since we don't seem to have any players anymore, it has become extremely important to replace them with artificial players. So far I have finished a prototype of a linux server program that can run agents on our server (yes, we have a server, it is not online, but I could put it online any time). I'm currently making progress in porting the prototype to the windows platform (as I need that for development issues) and there is 'only' a basic socket communication left to implement.

Edit: And by some pure luckshot I managed to finish the step mentioned above :-D. So now we do have both windows and linux socket servers that work with the agent based robot system. Next step is to integrate them with the actual game server and then we basically have a new release that can support some stupid robots that run around and play pace car. My protocol shall later include control of the combat and entity interaction, but for the beginning, that will be handled by the followbot code. All the agent is gonna do, is decide for the robot where to go and which team, class, weapon to take. That should be sufficient to fill the server with loads of stupid targets to fire all kinds of weapons at and occasionally get shot in the head ;-).

Edit 2: First screenshot of an agent robot ingame :-D.

Edit 3: Yay, the agent is actually appearing correctly and even shooting at me when I'm on the opposite team!

Edit 4: He is now even aiming properly, switching weapons, using grenades and doesn't crash the server anymore when he kills me or another followbot. Additonaly, some minor bugs are fixed (score in scoreboard, recoil etc...).

Edit 5: He is even respawning correctly when dying and his stupid colleague (the followbot) is working correctly against him. Now it's really just the navigation that is missing for his first test appearance.

Edit 6: Fixed another couple of bugs concerning his movement, collision detection, menu behavior and added the feature to deliver the map name to the navigation code (important when trying to keep track of which routes were good ones).
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 07:11:14 AM by Bahl »

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 02:49:30 AM »


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I would love to start playing this game again even if its only bots.

I might be able to put a server up for a while if it would help any.

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 09:21:21 PM »


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Looks like I made good progress to fullfill that wish :-). Wish me luck for the next step! I'll ask for servers if I should ever realize I cannot host this one anymore.

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 02:47:17 PM »


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Great to read somebody still cares :-).
I might even get a new stable version with help of the bots.
And its almost solo... kudos to Zenarion, Chromeangel, Eltharyon and possibly others that I'm sorry for not listing.

And in other news:

That thing will make real what our wildest dreams were about :-).

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2010, 06:30:31 PM »


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With regards to the new termie weapon, can we not let him use the storm shield to help block bullets? its is a 3+ Inv save these days ;) and perhaps getting hit with the hammer makes you move slower for a few seconds?

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 07:21:33 PM »


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yep sure :-). however, if i dont give him a sprint ability, then it will just prolong the boring time! just because you can last more hits until you are dead doesnt mean you are having fun! if you cant reach your enemy because everybody is faster than you, then having a melee weapon is pointless.

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 09:06:15 PM »


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Just kinda deflates the whole "termies cant run" rulees :) they'll be good in close maps.

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 09:18:39 PM »


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Well, id say its only the sergeant that can take this weapon and have a sprint ability, not the normal termies. then wecan finally give the assaultcannon to everyone :-). and i hope to get the launchers in!

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 10:15:21 PM »


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oh dear, AC's all round.... thats gonna be messy. would not giving them all the hammer and shield make more sense? a termie assault squad?

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2010, 08:10:51 PM »


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goes without saying that I'm gonna rebalance the weapons :-). Same money should get you same dps, basic rule.

Re: Robots and hammers
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2010, 09:51:55 PM »


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managed to run some test:
- running several agents (no problems repeatedly connecting and disconnecting two of them).
- running several avatars per agent (no problems to run two avatars for one of the agents).
DONE selecting a different team (too bad, he doesnt get the menu as a message, something is wrong there.. he just gets the class menus.)
-- seems to work now
DONE setting a goal position and speed works clientside, but serverside, nothing happens.
-- seems to work now, the robot was running as hardcoded in a 45 degrees angle forwards... and then had to stop at a wall.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 06:11:16 PM by Bahl »