Author Topic: Status of Developement on beta 1.3 (we are at 1.246)  (Read 11442 times)

Status of Developement on beta 1.3 (we are at 1.246)
« on: November 12, 2006, 01:07:36 PM »


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Well, i guess its due time for som news! Way over time actually... . So, herrrm, with a slight delay, i wish you Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, Happy Easter, probably also Happy Birthday and what sorts of other important dates we missed out on till now ;-). Anyhow, without any further ado: Here is the news:

We managed to test our ways through the alpha version from 1.224 to 1.246 so by now the version seems rather stable again and (which is the main goal for 1.3) it already includes the last two new species, the tau and the necrons for the final version. For now we focus on implementing the weapons for the necrons. They will show off together with the imperial guard as the final setting of the map rs_ca_platform. As a little preview, we have got two screenshots of two weaponeffects for them: the gauss flayer and the gausscannon. The gausscannon will not be available for the necron warrior in the release version.

And here we have some more screenshots. This time they show off the Staff of Light of the Necron Lord:

Well, with quite some delay, I present you the current work in progress by jiggaman :-). He is working on the tau battle suit weapon sets,  to improve their shape and build their skinmeshes. Sadly I forgot to record, who did those models, so if it was you or somebody you know, please tell me about it. These images will update, as soon as i receive new material from jiggaman :-).

And as a last but not least addition to this news post, we have some nice fanart for your enjoyment :-). This image is based (without permission) on ONE DEATHWATCH SPACE MARINE by Nicolas Charriere enhanced and colored by Ryan Marshall.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 10:10:28 PM by Bahl »