well, and a new bug report:
DONE: shift the damage classes for melee
Bahl: made the claws weaker
Bahl: maybe too weak
UNKNOWN: desynchronized models after mapchange
Bahl: i pressed that new button on the deathmenu
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: how come i see you in one on the middle of the outside plains?
Bahl: wel i see zou at zour spwn location
Bahl: i saw zou first somewehre else
Bahl: did u spawn as a driver at some point?
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: i hear you walking and see you shooting but your standing still on top of rock in the centre of the map
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: no i didnt
Bahl: thats where i was when zou spawned
Bahl: since then your client hasnt been updating my position
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: i accidentaly pressed spectate in the death menu, and then went to classmenu and changed to marine and spawned again
Bahl: and my client hasnt been updating zours
Bahl: ok that could be it
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: spectate->marineclass->respawn
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: thats what i think i did in the deathmenu
Bahl: lets leve teh hl client and restart the game
Bahl: but models are still out of sznc
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: saw tracers now
Bahl: i saw ur flames
Bahl: also at the correct positions
Bahl: which is good
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: flames seem to be shooting from some point over my head though
Bahl: since it means my weapon effects are independant from this crap
Bahl: that depends on whee u aim
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: now you are stuck where i first saw you
Bahl: ur model spawned where u where when i joined
Bahl: yeah sae here
Bahl: interesting
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: and shurikens stick to your model
Bahl: ill make us go back to platform
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: i see damage feedback consistet with armour hits
DONE: round doesnt end without players and
Bahl: there i am again
Bahl: now i used secret dev access to end the round amnually
Bahl: ill cause a mapchange
] deathmenu
MAP: the turret has wrong status at the beginning
++ this is due to the turret end sticking out into the walkable area. its a map bug. ++
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: and something is wrong with the turret
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: start to use it and move away, and it is still moving and you dont have any guns
Bahl: it seems correc tnow
Bahl: but it was wrong first
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: no damage to me
Bahl: by shoots or hits it doesnt go below 56
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: I cant throw nades now
Bahl: me neither
=][=Vet.Srg.Korkonius: my hp hasnt moved at all
DONE: reconnect crashes server
Bahl: ill reconnect
that crashed the server