#mode 1
29.10.2004 10:15:01
We are coming along nicely
. Today im showing off one of ChromeAngels latest good deeds ( or evil deeds if you want to put it that way ) ). Its is the world eaters plasmapistol. A weapon that will be used in conjunction with a powerfull chainaxe ( which im gonna show off some days later ). this screenshot actually doesnt really do justice to the actual ingame model. it lacks a new feature, that valve included with HL1 for STEAM: trasnparent model textures. The model actually has a second mesh over some of its parts that immitates a glistering surface through an additive rendermode. You will have to wait till we release our next version, to get to see that. Until then, enjoy the screenshot below: [nail]models/we/wargear/nail/we_plasmapistol_01.jpg[/nail]