#mode 1
06.10.2004 11:15:09
as avid forum users or regular visitors of gamag.org already know, bloodyharry did finish his necron tomb spider a while ago, while i was working on the input that we recieved from the 1.166 release. i didnt get to update you on his progress. however, now is the time to let you peek at is damn nice work
take a closer look at it below:<br />[nail]species/nc/vehicles/nail/nc_tombspider_01.jpg[/nail]<br />this model will be used for necron vehicle class which might be a very interesting elemnt of gameplay my current thoughts wander around something like a mobile respawn location and a mass healing unit. but thats very early stuff. it will take quite some time until we will see this beauty in the game.<br /><br />on another note, just today i finished moving over our page to the new location. the last step was moving the forum. sadly i was not able to move over the forum data as well. so that means, you wont find the old posts on the new forum on the positive side avatars and signatures are allowed again
. so as long as you dont infringe copyrights, you are rather free in your choice