<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='contentTable1'><tr><td class='contentTd1'>Author: bahl Date: 27.07.2004 08:28:46</td></tr><tr><td class='contentTd2'>
i know, it has been a while since ive posted some news the last time.
however, you dont need to worry, we have been busy as ever behind the scenes.
so what exactly did we do? we were creating a load of maps, which i might show off during the next days.
but for today, i want to showcase the latest awesome deed of chromeangel in collaboration with straken
( well and my humble self for a little tweaking ) : the imperial guard sentinel in city camouflage.<br>
enjoy him in all his glory below:<br>
<a href="species/cd/vehicles/cd_sentinel_01.jpg"><img src="species/cd/vehicles/nail/cd_sentinel_01.jpg" width="200" height="150" border="0" alt=""></a><br>
apart from these great modelling related news, id also like to tell something about or coding progress.
you all will certainly have heard about the announced fadeout of WON.
so STEAM shall now finally ( almost one year later than scheduled ) takeover the place of WON.
to get along with that, we will release a new version supporting STEAM.
but that is ( in terms of workload ) just a very small piece.
what you will find way more interesting are the changes to the gameplay:<br>
throughout the first year after our public release, we had a rather low acceptance of the cheap classes.
we were constantly working on getting the expensive classes less attractive.
however, only doing that is kind of negative and so we decided to do something to increase the attractivity of the cheap classes: followbots.
now what would that be? first let me tell you what its not:
its not an autonome bot that fills a slot in a server and fights against you ( like all these other bots do ).
it is something that is only available to the cheap classes.
if you choose a standard marine or an eldar guardian, then you will be allowed to buy some 'copies' of yourself.
these 'copies' will have your equipment and will run around following your every step ( thus their name ).
well and of course they will shoot at your enemies when they come into sight.
we want to reach two aims with this:<br>
1. increase the attractivity of the cheap classes.<br>
2. create something that feels more like a huge battle.<br>
the number of bots on the map is technically limited only by the capacities of the server ( well and maybe by some hidden limits in the engine ).
we will allow up to 4 copies of yourself at a time. so with a maximum of 32 players, you could reach a maximum of 160 running models on a map....
thats an insane amount actually and we might have to adjust the stated number a bit.</td></tr></table>